Mill Springs Battlefield “Conflict at the Crossroads” Living History Event
Mill Springs Park 9155 Hwy 1275 North, Mill Springs, Kentucky 42633
Mill Springs Re-enactment
Mill Springs Battlefield “Conflict at the Crossroads” Living History Event
On Friday, November 15 and Saturday, November 16, 2024, Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument is hosting their third annual “Conflict at the Crossroads” living history event.
On Friday, visitors can experience an evening of music by renowned Civil War-era brass band, the Kentucky Home Guard, at the park Visitor Center.
On Saturday, a living history encampment, historic weapons programs, blacksmithing, music, battle walks, and a variety of kid-friendly activities will be held at historic Zollicoffer Park.
These events including parking are free to the public and Saturday's activities begin at 10:00AM until 4:00PM.
Friday, November 15:The Kentucky Home Guard Brass Band (Bardstown, KY) will be performing two 1-hour concerts at 6:00PM and 7:30PM at the park’s Visitor Center at 9020 West Highway 80. The group will play Stephen Foster tunes and a variety of Civil War-era music that soldiers and civilians knew well. Visitors should bring chairs, blankets, and dress for cooler weather for the evening concerts.
Saturday, November 16:The “Conflict at the Crossroads” living history event will feature cannon and musket firing programs, a living history encampment setting, Civil War music, blacksmith demonstrations, “Dress Like a Soldier,” and army drill programs, children’s games, and battle walks. Historic Zollicoffer Park is located on KY-Highway 235, south of Nancy. Parking for this event is located across the street from Zollicoffer Park.
For more information, please visit the park’s website at:
Or on Facebook: MillSpringsBattlefieldNPS.