Late Spring Birding at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve
Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve 12501 Harmony Landing Road, Goshen, Kentucky 40026
Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve
Late Spring Birding
Late Spring Birding at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve
Donation: $11/person, $6/members, Children 6 and younger are FREE.
Take a hike with Creasey Mahan staff to view the many species of birds that inhabit the preserve. Buntings, Tanagers, Cuckoos, Vireos, and warblers can all be seen during this time, the tail end of the spring migratory season. Birds will be singing, nesting, and raising their young in the multitude of habitats that the preserve offers. Bring binoculars and footwear for hiking/ mud.
Hike level is moderate. Wear comfortable shoes for walking on uneven ground.
For more information, please call 502.228.4362 or visit